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How does SMASCH work?

I will show you a brief form here. Of course, every single step has many other steps. Nevertheless, in order to imagine what it means, you can see a graphic and a few words here.

Starting point

In the current situation, you do not have a uniform, consistent concept for purchasing products that combines the various topics. After using SMASCH, you will have a clear strategy for each purchased product in terms of risk rating, management, storage, and we will work with you to develop a recommendation on how to proceed.

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As you have probably noticed, all of the points listed are not new information that you do not know or use to this day. The use of all of this data and the interlinking of these makes it possible for you to define smart supply chains that are important for you.

It is important to understand that these four subject areas; Purchasing product, intended use, market and supplier interact and, depending on the constellation, can develop into an exponential risk. In such a case, the concept suggests that you define further risk measures such as building up a safety stock, a second supply chain or an alternative procurement market for your purchased product.

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